The Law Offices Of Senior Fellow, Attorney At Law & CEO Dr. Clifford G Fleetwood, Ph.D, E.JD, J.S.D.

"The Doctrines of: Dr. Fleetwood, Ph.D, E.JD, J.S.D: Fellow Of International Law"

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The Marquis Who's Who Award For 2018
Dr. Clifford G. Fleetwood, Chairman Of The Board Of Investment Advisors

Dr. Fleetwood's 2017 Life Achievement Award
By: Marquis Who's Who In American Law

Good Day:
   The information listed in this section is derived from over 30 years of educational , and academic involvement, and pursuits at several colleges, and universities in the United States, and Europe, to include the President John F. Kennedy School of Goverment at Harvard University School of Law, Yale University, Massachussets Institute of Technology, Oxford University, George Washington University,  the University of London,  John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and Nova Southeastern University.

   I successfully completed a American Bar Approved, and Certified, Executive Juris Doctorate, and a Juridical Science Doctorate at: Northwestern International University at Gibralter, United Kingdom in: 2007, and 2008, in conjunction with Nova Southeastern University, and Shepard Broad Law School, in Davie, Florida, and a 2nd. Ph.D, in International Law with a focus in American Foreign Policy, and Military Science in 2009-2015.
   The educational, and research objective was successfully completed. Dr. Fleetwood, become a: Honorary Fellow of International Law on December 31, 2019,  at: Northwestern International University, and will become a Senior Fellow by June of 2022-2023, academic research years in conjunction with the research sources listed herein.

    Further, he  became a Fellow of Law researcher at: The Hague Academy of International Law, and submitted the necessary candidacy documentation for the upcoming Fellow of Law program to be held in the Netherlands, Europe beginning in 2020, and such documentation was submitted to the United Nations review  board on February 19, 2019.  NATO, and United Nations security clearance was granted. A second Fellow of Law candidacy application will be submitted to the U.S House of Representatives, and the Capitol Hill Fellowship Board, at the Government Affairs Institute, and George Town University School of Law,  in Washington, D.C.
 The Fellow of Law Registered Research
Thesis #
Research  Doctrines
 By The:
"Tri-Dimensional Reasoning"
A. Legal Aspects,
B. Social Aspects,
C. Psychological Aspects,
"United States Case Law, Un--Constitutional ?"
In Rem:
Fleetwood Vs. State of Florida, 254 So. 3d. 963 (2018)
American Foreign Policy is Causing International Political,
And Economic In-Balance ?

Legal Argument(s):

"Case-law, and the U.S. Electoral College violates all Constitutional Guarantees, and the Basic Fundamentals of Law, and Jurisprudence of Full due process, and Full, and equal protection of all applicable Federal Laws, and Statues, and Hinders, or Fully halts Full access to: Justice, and the Election Process, and System in the United States".

The thesis course work begins
The Principles of Laws, and Legal Theories,
Dr. Clifford G. Fleetwood, Ph.D, E.JD, J.S.D.
1. {Fleetwood Vs. State, 254 So. 3d 963 (2018), and Rel. Sects.}

2. {Regan Vs. Wald 468 US 222-243, (1983) and Rel. Sects.}
Harvard School of Law's Graduate Course:
International Law
Yale University School of Law's  J.S.D Graduate Research Database.
Duke University School Of Law Research Thesis, and Dissertation Database.

With Required Readings:


1. Dr. Henry Kissinger's Lectures, and Books:

A. Diplomacy
B. Does America Need A Foreign Policy Volumes 1 & 2
C. Foreign Relations Law,  by: Curtis A. Bradley, 2017
D. International Law, by: Barry E. Carter, 2017

Four (4) Premise Thesis Question(s):
One (1)  Conclusive, Logical, and Final Dissertation
For Review, and Consideration
The U.S. Supreme Court
Amicus Curiae

"Fellow of International Law Degree"

"In Honor"
Dr.  Jay Wise,  Ph.D
President & Chancellor
Northwestern International University
The Royal United Kingdom

A. Is There A Need  To Repeal American Case-law, And Why The
U.S. Electoral College Is Un-Constitutional ?

B. Do We Need A Judicial Approach To Executive Foreign Policies,
The Presidential  Foreign Policy Implementation Proto-call Process ?

     Thank you,
Dr. Clifford G. Fleetwood, Ph.D, E.JD, J.S.D, Attorney At Law
Fellow of International Law  & Juridical Science Researcher
The Law Office of: IBA Commissioner  Clifford G. Fleetwood
Chairman of The Board Of Investment Advisors,
In the Royal United Kingdom, and The United States
U.S. and International Office Tele:
1- 631-768-8182, Wallstreet, New York, 10001

General Alexander Haig
Hague Academy Of International Law, The Netherlands

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Ph.D, MIT, Harvard, Yale
U.S. Secretary of State, The United Nations, Geneva

The Lectures, Books, and Doctrines Of: Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Ph.D.

The Law Office Of IBA Commissioner & Fellow of Law
Dr. Clifford G. Fleetwood, Ph.D, E.JD, J.S.D